Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region

NordForsk pre-call Nordic-Baltic pool for research projects

Integration, Immigration & development

26 Jan 2024

NordForsk has issued a pre-call for research projects on migration and integration. The organization will support a total of 5-6 projects, with up to NOK 10.5 million per project available.

The organisation NordForsk under the Nordic Council of Ministers is pre-calling applications for Nordic-Baltic research projects within migration and integration.

The organization will support a total of 5-6 projects, with up to NOK 10.5 million per project available. The iniative is a collaboration between national funding bodies in Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and Lithuania.

Read the pre-call from NordForsk in full here

Project proposals must fit into at least one of three themes:

  • Integration processes and patterns
  • Social cohesion and inequalities
  • Politics and governance of migration and integration

The funding project period runs from 2025 to 2028.

The deadline for project applications is expected to be dated in May 2024, and the call for the pool will take place in February.

The pre-call highlights the requirement for a Swedish and/or Norwegian research institution to be included in the project team, and for the host institution to be based in one of the four co-funding countries: Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and Lithuania.


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