Migrant Women and the Nordic Labour Market – Challenges and Opportunities
Welcome to Nordic Conference on Migrant Women and the Nordic Labour Market - Challenges and Opportunities, April 28th, 2020, Helsinki.
All Nordic countries have a larger female share of the workforce than the EU average. At the same time, a large portion of the foreign-born women are unemployed in all the Nordic countries. This is an untapped potential resource for the Nordic welfare states.
The key aim of this conference is to bring together researchers, policymakers and practitioners in search for good and sustainable solutions and to promote exchange of experience between the Nordic countries. The main questions are which policies and interventions would improve the employment rate for immigrant women who arrive in the Nordic Region? And what are the best practices throughout to integrate female immigrants in the labour market?
The conference is a collaboration between the Nordic Welfare Centre, an institution in the Nordic Council of Ministers, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. We will share best practice examples from the Nordic countries; project and measurements that successful improve the integration of migrant women in the labour market.