Konference: How can the Nordic countries better promote labour market integration among migrant mothers and fathers?
The conference brings together experts to present new research and different examples of practical solutions from the Nordic countries. Together we share experiences and explore opportunities to improve employment among migrant fathers and mothers – both in policy and in practice.
Parenthood is regarded as one of the most rewarding undertakings in life. However, entering the labour market as a parent can sometimes be a challenge. This is particularly the case for many migrant women. How can the Nordic countries make better use of migrant parents’ skills and knowledge? How can we reach both mothers and fathers?
The conference is open to all experts working in the field of integration at a national, regional, or local level. The conference is free of charge but requires registration.
Register here no later than 2 December 2024.
The conference is a physical event. No digital participation or recordings will be available.
Date and venue
The conference takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, starting Wednesday 11 December 2024 at 10:00 and ending Thursday 12 December at 13:00. The venue is Elite Palace Hotel, S:t Eriksgatan 115, 113 43 Stockholm.
The conference is co-hosted by the Ministry of Employment in Sweden and the Nordic Council of Ministers as a part of the 2024 Swedish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Please find the conference programme here
The conference includes presentations of new Nordic research, Nordic examples of promising practice with learning potential, expert commentaries and discussions, group work as well as plenty of opportunities to network and exchange thoughts with conference participants from all Nordic countries.
The conference will be held in English and the Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian, and/or Swedish). Interpretation into English will be available.
Conference dinner
We are pleased to invite all conference participants to join the conference dinner and social event on Wednesday evening 11 December at 19:00 at Elite Palace Hotel. The dinner is free of charge, but require registration. If you wish to join, please sign up for the dinner when you register for the conference.
Registration and price
The conference is free of charge but requires registration. Space is limited to 120 participants. Therefore, we kindly advise you to register as soon as possible.
If you have registered, but are unable to attend, please send an email to annmos@norden.org or kaisa.kepsu@nordicwelfare.org the latest on 4 December if you wish to cancel your participation in the conference. If you’re unable to participate after that point, please let us know.
Hotel and travel
Participants are responsible for booking and paying for their own accommodation and travel.
We have prebooked rooms at the conference hotel Elite Palace. You can book to a contracted rate until 13 November through this booking link.