Kunskapsbank för forskning och erfarenhetsutbyte inom integrationsområdet i Norden

Integration of refugees from Ukraine

Integration of refugees from Ukraine

On March 4, 2022, the EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive. A new context, changes in integration acts in the Nordic and Baltic countries, combined with the demographic profile of displaced people and refugees, requires the development of new knowledge and methods related to integration.

With this call 2,2 million DKK have been earmarked to finance projects in the Nordic countries of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland, the three autonomous territories of Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland and the Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.


The overall objective of the call for proposals is to support the development of new initiatives, knowledge and methods focusing on receiving and integrating displaced people and refugees from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Relevant focus areas include, but are not limited to

  • reception, settlement and integration processes in local communities.
  • access to the labour market, education, and childcare
  • language training
  • health and care services, in particular psycho-social health
  • challenges related to temporal aspects of protection and integration
  • introduction programs and the role of civil society
  • information and communication

Who can apply?

The call for proposals allows for municipal, regional or national authorities, universities and colleges, research institutes, and other non-profit organisations in the Nordic and Baltic countries to apply for funding. Although businesses may not be the main applicants and recipients of funding, they may, for example, be included as project participants, participate in the project groups, or be a project performer on behalf of the project owner.

Project criteria

All projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Nordic-Baltic value: The project should aim at cross-sectoral co-operation, building new networks across the Nordic and Baltic countries and involving target groups.
  • Skills of project participants: Project participants must document their skills and experience in the field.
  • Organizational capacity: The applicant(s) must document capacity to implement the project in time and secure progress and adequate financial reporting.
  • Communication plan: The project must take into account communication about results and possible impact to relevant stakeholders.

Application budget is minimum 500.00 and maximum 2,2 mill DKK

Application process and schedule

  • Fill in the application form and submit it to amm@norden.org no later than 31st of december 2022, at 23.59 CEST.
  • The language of the application must be Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or English.
  • The reference group of the Nordic Programme on Integration will evaluate the applications and select those    to be financed. The decision on financing will be communicated no later than 15th of February 2023
  • The secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers is responsible for contract and administration regarding the project.
  • Project start-up: March 2023
  • Project completion: no later than 30th June 2024


How to apply for funding (general info)
Project description Nordic Council of Ministers


Anna-Maria Mosekilde, annmos@norden.org

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