Role of international migration in population change 2011-2016
Immigration & development
8 Feb 2018
This map shows the role of international migration in sustaining population growth for some municipalities and regions between 2011 and 2016. The map shows population change at municipal level (the big map) and regional level (the small map).
Over the period shown on the map the population of the Nordic Region grew by over one million inhabitants. 72% of this growth was due to immigration. The population growth mainly takes place in the bigger urban areas, for example 47% of the population growth in the Nordic countries between 2011 and 2016 was confined to the capital regions. Without immigration, this figure rises to 92%. This shows the broad geographic spread of immigrants across the Nordic Region.
The green and yellow areas on the map show the municipalities/regions where the population increased between 2011 and 2016. In the yellow areas, population growth would not have occurred without immigration whereas in the green areas population growth is apparent even without taking immigration into account. The red areas show the municipalities/regions where the population decreased during the same period even taking into account immigration.
International migration refers to persons who have moved to or from abroad. This map does not differentiate between different forms of migration. It can be migration due to work and studies, refugees who were granted asylum or citizens that have returned from abroad.
Asylum seekers are not included in the migration statistics as only those who have been granted asylum are registered as part of the population.