Two-way labour market integration? Perspectives on youth with a refugee background and employers in Finland
Work, Education
20 Feb 2020
In this report the experiences of youth with a refugee background are explored in terms of their education and (un)employment in Finland. The study investigates the experiences of employers at employing people with a refugee background.
This study is part of the larger Coming of Age in Exile (CAGE) project (2015–2020, funded by NordForsk). This qualitative study provides information about and contextualises the other studies of the CAGE project, such as the register studies and the policy analysis regarding young refugees’ labour market integration. It explores the experiences of youth with a refugee background in terms of their employment and unemployment in Finland. The study also investigates the experiences of employers at employing people with a refugee background.
Authors: Lyytinen, Eveliina, Nita Toom, Nita