Report: Cultural responsiveness in schools and civic integration
Education, Barn och unga
30 Jan 2024
Recognising cultural diversity does not negatively impact students' participation in the host society, a new study of Danish and Swedish schools finds.
A new working paper from the Danish Rockwool Foundation studying Danish and Swedish schools finds that recognising cultural diversity does not negatively impact students’ participation in the host society. In fact, quite the opposite.
The working paper is based on a questionnaire survey of 9th-grade students from 75 Danish and 65 Swedish primary schools, where at least 20 percent of the students have a different ethnic background.
A total of 4,164 students participated in the survey.
Read the report from the Rockwool Foundation (in Danish)
The report is part of the overall research project: ‘When do children of immigrants thrive? How schooling and politics affect civic and educational outcomes‘.
Previous studies in the project have focused on the academic achievement and well-being of minority students. This report is the first to examine the relationship between students’ civic integration and the degree of cultural responsiveness in schools and classrooms.