2018:3 Tid för integration – en ESO-rapport om flyktingars bakgrund och arbetsmarknadsetablering
3 Jun 2018
This study investigates the labor market integration of refugees who arrived in Sweden from different countries of origin over the period 1982–2014.
These are observed in 1983–2015. The main focus is on refugees who were 20-50 years old when immigrating. Refugees who immigrated from 1990 onwards can be identified with good precision. For those who immigrated earlier, all immigrants from Iraq, Iran, Chile, Hungary, Romania, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Somalia, Syria, and Afghanistan are assumed to be refugees. Apart from this, those who immigrated as family members of refugees are not included in the analysis.
Labor market integration is primarily measured by employment rates. Employment is defined as an annual income that is higher than
40 per cent of the median income of 20-50-year-old native men in the same year. This limit is equivalent to 34,000 kronor in 1983, 67,000 kronor in 1990, 92,000 kronor in 2000, and 138,000 kronor in 2015. This definition is considered suitable because it corresponds to approximately the income required for self-sufficiency in a oneperson household.
The report initially shows that refugees’ employment rates have gradually fallen across successive cohorts over the last three decades. Refugee integration was considerably faster in the 1980s than what it has been thereafter.