Unlocking potential: Effective strategies for supporting immigrant children
Barn och unga, Immigration & development, Integration, Integration
The Nordic Network for Newly Arrived Students and the Ministry of Education and Children in Iceland invites to a one day seminar held in Reykjavík.
An overview of the research, policies and methods used in the Nordic countries to develop and improve the reception and integration of immigrant children.
That is the agenda for a one-day conference for policy makers held on Thursday 7 December 2023 in Reykjavík, Iceland.
The organisers are the Nordic Network for Newly Arrived Students and the Ministry of Education and Children in Iceland. The conference will also be streamed online.
The programme can be found here.
Register here.
The seminar will aim to provide evidence-based techniques to support immigrant children’s learning through language learning, inclusion, psychological and social support and active participation, and to train experts in the field.