Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region


Porträtt av Lutine. Hon bär glasögon och ler mot kameran

Lutine de Wal Pastoor

Research Professor. Her research focuses on the education of young people from refugee backgrounds, with a particular focus on creating and sustaining an inclusive school environment.

Svartvitt porträtt av Ravi som ser ut att stå utomhus mot en tegelvägg

Ravi Kohli

Professor of Child Welfare at the University of Bedfordshire, UK. His research focusses on the lives of asylum seeking and trafficked young people in Europe.

Porträtt av Ketil fotograferad mot en tegelmur

Ketil Eide

Professor at University of South-Eastern Norway. His research focus on childhood and migration, well-being of unaccompanied minors and social work with families with a minority background

Porträtt av medelålders man i kostym

Allan Krasnik

Professor of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen. Since 2015 he has been leading the Nordic project on health and welfare among refugee children and adolescents - CAGE.

Porträtt av Anders Hjern som bär glasögon och skrattar mot kameran

Anders Hjern

Paediatrician and professor of social epidemiology of children and youth at Karolinska Institutet and a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Health Equity Studies in Stockholm, Sweden.

Porträtt av Elli som ler mot kameran iklädd en mönstrad blus

Elli Heikkilä

Research Director of the Migration Institute of Finland, co-editor of the international journal of Migration Letters.

Porträtt av Lucie Cerna

Lucie Cerna

Project Leader for Strength through Diversity: Education for Inclusive Societies at the OECD, and a Research Associate at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society University of Oxford.

Porträtt av Kristin som är klädd i svart blus

Kristin Marklund

Project manager for Nordic co-operation on integration and previously project manager in the field of early intervention for children and families.

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