If you can see it, you can support it – A book on tactile language
Døvblindhed, Handicap
20 jun 2019
When we add a linguistic value to bodily tactile expressions and recognise tactile languages as natural languages, we are able to communicate linguistically with people with congenital deafblindness.
From the motto if you can see it, you can support it this book gives an idea of how communication partners can spot and read utterances in the bodily tactile modality as language. It shows how the partner can respond to the tactile speech and support the langauage development by using different cognitive strategies in the conversations to activate both the tactile work memory and the tactile autobiographical memory.
The book presents a circle model that can be used as a basis for discussion and analysis in relation to language that grows from a bodily tactile modality.
The Nordic network on tactile language has published this book about tactile language to benefit persons with deafblindness, their families and professionals.
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1 feb 2023