NAD 6/2019 (December)
I nummer 6/19 av NAD ingår följande teman
Finansiering av spelforskning, spelproblem bland hemlösa, stress bland terapeuter, strategier som används av alkoholindustrin och före detta rökares stöd för tobakspolicy.
Can gambling-funded research be non-biased? The case of section 52
Matilda Hellman
Funding of gambling studies and its impact on research
Janne Nikkinen
In favour of tobacco control? Former smokers’ support for tobacco policies
Tove Sohlberg
Jakob Emiliussen, Kjeld Andersen, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Barbara Braun, Randi Bilberg
Secondary traumatic stress in Norwegian SUD-therapists: Symptoms and related factors
Ayna B Johansen, Eva Kristiansen, Ingerid Bjelland, Shedeh Tavakoli
Christophe Soussan, Anette Kjellgren
Screening of problem gambling among a homeless population in Warsaw
Łukasz Wieczorek, Jakub Stokwiszewski, Justyna I Klingemann
Alcohol industry strategies to influence the reform of the Finnish Alcohol Law
Thomas Babila Sama, Heikki Hiilamo