NAD 1/2023
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Matilda Hellman: The importance of debunking constructions
ISAJE position papers
Anees Bahji, Laura Acion, Anne-Marie Laslett & Bryon Adinoff: Exclusion of the non-English-speaking world from the scientific literature: Recommendations for change for addiction journals and publishers
Nady el-Guebaly, John Foster, Anees Bahji & Matilda Hellman: The critical role of peer reviewers: Challenges and future steps
Research reports
Marie Fjellerup Bærndt and Vibeke Asmussen Frank: Dilemmas of belonging: Young Muslim women in the Danish youth alcohol culture
Mikaela Lindeman, Vilja Männistö-Inkinen, Matilda Hellman, Veera Kankainen, Emmi Kauppila, Johan Svensson & Robin Nilsson: Gambling operators’ social media image creation in Finland and Sweden 2017–2020
Anna Belfrage, Anne Lill Mjølhus Njå, Siri Lunde, Janne Årstad, Elise Constance Fodstad, Torgeir Gilje Lid & Aleksander Hagen Erga: Traumatic experiences and PTSD symptoms in substance use disorder: A comparison of recovered versus current users
Christonikos Leventelis, Alexandra Katsouli, Vasileios Stavropoulos, Anna Karasavvidou, Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Petros T. Barmpas, Sotiris Tasoulis, Aristidis S. Veskoukis & Maria Tsironi: The development and validation of the pandemic medication-assisted treatment questionnaire for the assessment of pandemic crises impact on medication management and administration for patients with opioid use disorders