Unemployment rates by region of birth 2019
17 dec 2021
The map shows employment rates 2019 of the native and the foreign-born population in different Nordic regions (NUTS 2 level).
Distinctions are made between foreign-born and native-born individuals with low educational achievements (ISCED levels 0-2: lower secondary education or below; upper left and right panels); and their peers with high levels of educational attainment (ISCED levels 5-8: tertiary/university-level education; lower left and right panels). The panels show that higher education facilitates entry into the labour market. Across all regions shown on the map, native-born persons with high educational attainment had higher employment rates than native-born persons with lower education. Similarly, highly educated foreign-born persons were more likely to be employed than their lower-educated peers. The advantage of persons with high educational attainment also holds when comparing highly educated foreign-born persons with lower educated native-born persons. Across the Nordic Region, the latter group overall had lower employment rates than the former. Employment rate is defined as the share of the working-age population (ages 15-64 years) in employment.