Största minoritetsgrupp efter region 2018
Migration & utveckling
15 okt 2020
The figure shows the largest minority group in each of the municipalities and the proportion of the total municipal population made up by that group.
For simplicity and for analytical purposes, the map shows the country group to which the largest minority belongs. For example, black shading on the map means that the largest minority group in that municipality comes from a single country within the EU-15 (e.g. Germany) and that people from that country alone make up over 5% of the population.
With the high levels of immigration to the Nordic countries in recent decades, there has been an increase in foreign-born populations in almost every municipality. Because of past and more recent immigration and settlement patterns, the largest minority group (defined by country of birth) among municipalities shows an interesting pattern.
Cartographer: Johanna Jokinen. Data source: Nordregio calculation based on NSI