Legal information and advice for immigrants/migrants/asylum seekers/refugees in Iceland
Negativ social kontroll
The Center works on making human rights information accessible to the public by organizing conferences and seminars on human rights issues and by providing human rights education. The Center also promotes legal reform and research on human rights issues and has established the only specialized human rights library in Iceland.
Teori och kunskap
People of foreign origin in Iceland often know little of the legal system and their legal rights and obligations. Therefore, the Ministry for Social Affairs entered into an agreement with the Icelandic Human Rights Centre for legal information and advice for foreigners living in Iceland.
The target group is all people of foreign origin in Iceland regardless of whether or not they speak Icelandic since interpretation is provided for them free of charge if necessary. People are advised on any and all legal topics such as immigration law (residence and work permits), family law, application criteria for Icelandic citizenship, labour market law, tax law, etc.
Förväntat resultat
The expected result is that by informing migrants/immigrants on their rights and obligations their status will be improved. They will also gain better insight into Icelandic society and legal system and be better equipped to integrate into Icelandic society and use their education and abilities.
Beskrivning av insatsen
People can book appointments by phone, email or visits to the office. Appointments are conducted at the office as well as in Bjarkarhlíð and Bjarmahlíð (centers for adult survivors of violence) and in 2021 in a newly established counceling centre for immigrants. Interpretation is provided if needed and advice is given on any and all legal matters and assistance given with writing explanatory letters etc.
The project is designed for being carried out by lawyers with knowledge of Immigrant issues as well as legislation on immigration, penal law, family law, labour market law etc.
Utförarens bedömningar
Results are mostly expected to be seen through more people knowing how society works, what is to be expected of them and what they can expect as well as to diminish the opportunity of exploitation through deception or use of power.
Mostly through registration of appointments. A yearly report is sent to the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Spridning och implementering
No evaluation has been made of the initiatives’ socio-economic outcome but the effort is expected to pay off in the slightly longer term since more immigrants/migrants will be able to uphold their rights and avoid exploitation. The costs in implementing this initiative are mainly through administration, fees for legal advisors and interpretation.
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