Hakusana: Covid-19

Lapset & nuoret

28 maalis 2024

The Nordic Youth Summit is expanding to the Baltics

Lithuania will be hosting the first Nordic-Baltic Youth Summit. After two successful Nordic Youth Summits, the arena is expanding to encompa [...]

Lapset & nuoret

1 helmi 2024

“Leaders rarely talked to children”

“Decision-makers were poorly prepared to hear and involve youth during the pandemic.” That is what the majority of the 120 youth partic [...]

Lapset & nuoret

29 tammi 2024

Don’t cherry-pick a youth “alibi”!

Don’t just use youth to put a stamp of approval on decisions they weren’t part of! That is one of the five principles that The Norwegian [...]

Lapset & nuoret

6 joulu 2023

120 youth signed action plan for the future at summit in Iceland

Environment, education, and youth participation. Those were some of the most intensely debated topics when 120 young persons from the Nordic [...]

Lapset & nuoret

26 loka 2023

Listen to Nordic youth, talk about their right to be heard in crises

Listen to Ester, Majli, Nameh, Olle and eleven more youth from the Nordics. In our new publication they talk about their experiences during [...]

Lapset & nuoret

23 loka 2023

Creating inclusive student councils with power – learning from the pandemic

How can student councils be more influential during crises? And how can we make sure that they will be inclusive? Those were questions discu [...]

Lapset & nuoret

25 syys 2023

 “The voice of youth can make a change”

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and the current war in Ukraine, it's clear that decisions impacting children and youth were made w [...]

Lapset & nuoret

8 kesä 2023

Young people were deprived of essential parts of their youth  

“Young people have missed many important transition rites such as graduations, dances, or other celebrations such as festivals and concert [...]

Lapset & nuoret

22 touko 2023

New report shows restricted childhood and interrupted youth due to covid

Higher levels of anxiety and boredom and decreased well-being among children and young people during the pandemic. But also, positive result [...]

Lapset & nuoret

3 huhti 2023

“If you don’t do it well before a crisis, then you don’t stand a chance”

"By demonstrating examples, we can inspire change." That was the conclusion from one of the participants when the report Child and youth par [...]


3 huhti 2023

Join the discussion about the Nordic welfare model and its challenges

The Nordic Welfare Forum 2023 takes place on 2 June in Reykjavik, Iceland and via live stream. The aim is to evaluate and discuss the Nordic [...]

Lapset & nuoret

21 maalis 2023

Checklist to ensure child and youth participation during crisis 

Every young person is entitled to be heard and involved in matters that concern them. But how can decision makers safeguard meaningful child [...]

Lapset & nuoret

16 maalis 2023

Här är ungdomarna som blev mer ensamma när pandemin tog slut

Vissa barn och unga fick äntligen de anpassningar de behöver – tack vare covid-19-pandemin. Men de fördelar som uppstod i och med den p [...]

Lapset & nuoret

9 maalis 2023

New report about children’s participation and influence during Covid-19

Institutions working for and with children and youth in the Nordic region were not prepared to protect children’s rights when the Covid-19 [...]


7 helmi 2023

Remote therapy a solution during Covid-19 for people with deafblindness

Even in normal situations, people with deafblindness constitute a vulnerable group that experience a lot of isolation – and the pandemic h [...]


1 joulu 2022

Funktionshindersfrågor måste beaktas vid kriser

Rådet för nordiskt samarbete om funktionshinder vill att de nordiska myndigheterna tar större hänsyn till personer med funktionsnedsätt [...]

Lapset & nuoret

31 loka 2022

“Every decision that the government makes affects us!”

”Give. Youth. Real. Power! Give youth real power!” “Every decision that the government makes affects us. Young people need to be info [...]

Maahanmuuttajien integraatio

31 loka 2022

Så knäcker vi långtidsarbetslösheten bland invandrare

64 procent av de långtidsarbetslösa är utrikesfödda. Generellt sett har invandrare större svårigheter att få jobb än inrikes födda. [...]

Lapset & nuoret

22 kesä 2022

Spreading the Nordic agenda on involving children and youth

Around 150 people, public authorities, professionals, and care providers from all over Europe signed up for our event in Hamburg in the begi [...]

Lapset & nuoret

16 kesä 2022

Young people prepare decision-makers to involve them in crises  

During the covid-19 pandemic, Nordic authorities focused on establishing effective ways to stop the spread of the infection. Consequently, s [...]

26 huhti 2022

Nordic Day 2022: Children and youth in the shadow of the pandemic

The Nordic countries have strong traditions of promoting the well-being of children by emphasizing the right to inclusion and participation [...]


1 huhti 2022

Många unga upplever ett utanförskap

Unga i Norden är engagerade i samhällsfrågor men har ett litet förtroende för demokratiska institutioner och många upplever ett utanf [...]


15 loka 2021

Ungdomar från Norden i expertgrupp om coronakrisens konsekvenser

Under covid-19-pandemin drabbades barn och unga i Norden av restriktioner som infördes och som påverkade både deras skolgång, fritid, so [...]


9 syys 2020

Pandemin i fokus i samarbetet om funktionshinder

- Bortsett från den direkta sjukdomen covid-19 slår även konsekvenserna av ohälsan och arbetslösheten under pandemin hårdare mot vissa [...]


4 kesä 2020

”Rökare drabbas med större sannolikhet av allvarliga komplikationer vid en covid-19-infektion”

På Nordens välfärdscenters webbinarium om effekter av coronapandemin stod det klart att det i många frågor är för tidigt att dra någ [...]

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