The Nordic region for all
31 touko 2016
The Nordic countries, including the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland islands, want to work together as effectively as possible to make society more accessible. The Nordic Council of Ministers has commissioned a report with proposals for areas of co-operation with regard to universal design and accessibility. The work is funded by the Council of Ministers’ Sustainable Development Strategy. Since the report was commissioned, the UN has adopted sustainability goals as part of Agenda 2030.
The report is primarily aimed to policy makers at the Nordic level. It may also be of interest to people who work with sustainable developmentas well as universal design and accessibility atthe national, regional or local level. Differences in the conditions for participation and equal opportunities between women and men or girls and boys, respectively, were also described where such information exists. The project and the panel were coordinated by the Secretariat for the Council for Nordic Co-operation on Disability at the Nordic Welfare Centre.