Labour market integration of adults with alcohol and substance use problems in the Nordic countries
5 helmi 2024
How are adults who have a problematic use of alcohol and/or other substances integrated into the labour market? This question is the focal point of the Nordic project on integration into the labour market of adults with dependence or abuse. Our report discusses the findings of this project carried out in 2022–2023.
Adults with substance use problems can sometimes be far removed from the labour market. They often need individual support to help them overcome their addiction, strengthen their potential, and find their place in society and on the labour market.
This report explores the labour market integration in the Nordic countries of individuals with substance use problems (including alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription medications). The remit covers Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. While labour market integration of vulnerable groups has received significant attention in the Nordic region, there is a dearth of research focusing exclusively on individuals with alcohol and substance use problems.
The primary aim of this report is to share Nordic experiences and foster a deeper understanding of the integration of these individuals. Specifically, the report seeks to identify successful methods and interventions for labour market integration and to single out lessons for organising and delivering these services. The report addresses several key research questions, including labour market intervention regulations, service organisation, and specific integration interventions in each jurisdiction. These dimensions guide the country profiles.
Labour market integration of adults with alcohol and substance use problems in the Nordic countries
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