Call for abstracts: Nordic Alcohol and Drug Researchers’ Assembly (NADRA) 2018
Public health
23 Jan 2018
The Nordic Alcohol and Drug Researchers’ Assembly will be held in Voksenåsen, Oslo, Norway 29-31.8.2018. We warmly welcome Nordic researchers and others working with social and health approaches to alcohol and drug issues to present and discuss research on trends, prevention, policy, consumption and treatment.
This year the key-note talks will touch upon the following topics:
Survey studies and the challenge of declining survey response rates
Declining response rates in population survey studies present a potential problem for producing reliable knowledge in alcohol and drug research. When do diminishing response rates affect possibilities to draw conclusions from survey data? What can be done to remedy the situation?
Some population groups tend to be underrepresented in surveys, including socially marginalised groups and those with severe and longstanding substance use problems. How can we reach and study these groups? Can research play a part in increasing the integration of stigmatised and marginalised populations?
Alcohol-policy research in the Nordic countries and internationally
Many of the Nordic countries have experienced a decline in resources allocated to alcohol-policy research. This development poses a significant change from previous times. What alcohol policy questions should be studied today? How does the increased demand for drug policy research impact alcohol policy research?
We welcome abstracts related to these topics, as well as other topics within the field of social alcohol and drug research. Abstracts can be written and presented in English, Swedish, Norwegian or Danish. We also welcome participants without abstracts.
Conference registration and abstract submission will open 1.3.2018 and the deadline is 30.4.2018.