NAD 4/2022
Här hittar du det senaste numret av tidskriften NAD
Matilda Hellman: Drug control and human rights in the Russian Federation
Research reports
Anders Nilsson, Ingvar Rosendahl och Nitya Jayaram-Lindström: Gaming and social media use among adolescents in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic
André Syvertsen, Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari, Daniel L. King och Ståle Pallesen: Problem mobile gaming: The role of mobile gaming habits, context, and platform
Lidia Santora, Don Byrne och Christian Klöckner: Clusters of older adults with and without experience of alcohol-related harms based on affective motivations for drinking
Tim Corney och Karin du Plessis: Australian first-year university college residents’ alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms
Turid Wangensteen och Jacob Hystad: Trust and collaboration between patients and staff in SUD treatment: A qualitative study of patients’ reflections on inpatient SUD treatment four years after discharge
Kristine Tarp, Sengül Sari och Anette Sogaard Nielsen: Why treatment is not an option: Treatment naïve individuals, suffering from alcohol use disorders’ narratives about alcohol use and treatment seeking
Monika Alvestad Reime, Hilde-Margit Løseth, Sari Kaarina Lindeman, Kristine Berg Titlestad, Kari Dyregrov och Lillian Bruland Selseng: Professional helpers’ experiences of assisting the bereaved after drug-related deaths: A knowledge gap