NAD 3/2024
Här hittar du det senaste numret av tidskriften NAD
Matilda Hellman: Is a regulation system always just a regulation system?
Research reports
Evangelia Kousounadi Knountsen, Vibeke Asmussen, Maria Herold: Uncovering young people’s situational construction of sexual consent
Karin Heimdahl Vepsä, Mats Ekendahl, Patrik Karlsson, Josefin Månsson: Polyphonic narratives: the mixing of Alcoholics Anonymous and Relapse Prevention in stories about recovery and relapse
Ann Helena Lyrberg: Barns upplevelser av en intervention i familjer där vuxna har ett problematiskt bruk av alkohol och droger
Bagga Bjerge, Strandholdt Bach, Johanne Korsdal Sørensen: Caring for aging substance users – challenges, dilemmas and recommendations
Rune Ellefsen: Narkotikapolitikk i endring: Heroinklinikkenes oppkomst i Norge
Coline Blanzat, Olivier Phan, Tristan Hamonniere, Céline Bonnaire: The PEERCARE peer-led alcohol overuse prevention program for college students: A qualitative evaluation of the peer-support experience of a “chill-out” harm reduction space
Aud Johannessen, Anne-Sofie Helvik, Kjerstin Tevik, Thomas Tjelta, Kirsten Thorsen: The elephant in the room: Metaphors in women’s accounts of life with a family member with problematic substance use
Patrik Karlsson, Mats Ekendahl: Risky drinking or risky governance?
Kristine Rømer Thomsen, Lotte Vallentin-Holbech, Janne Tolstrup: A missed opportunity: The needed policy changes are missing in the recent political agreement on a new tobacco, nicotine, and alcohol prevention plan in Denmark