NAD 2/2024
Här hittar du det senaste numret av tidskriften NAD
Matilda Hellman: Snow season: The normalisation of cocaine
Research reports
Ioana Pop & Jannis Dinkelacker: Unlocking the self: Can microdosing psychedelics make one feel more authentic?
Anne M. Koponen, Mika Gissler, Niina-Maria Nissinen, Ilona Autti-Rämö, Hanna Kahila & Taisto Sarkola: Cumulative risk factors for injuries and poisoning requiring hospital care in youth with prenatal substance exposure: A longitudinal controlled cohort study
Arja Ruisniemi, Maritta Itäpuisto & Katja Kuusisto: Relational parenthood in addiction recovery
Lloyd Balbuena, Mansfield Mela & AG Ahmed: Parental factors predicting social deviance and psychological outcomes in offspring: Evidence from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)
Tuire Prami, Mari Pölkki, Jarno Ruotsalainen, Elin Banke Nordbeck, Susanna Meyner & Ari Kaski:
Reasons for not entering opioid agonist treatment: A survey among high-risk opioid users in Finland
Jay Horn: The dichotomy between health and drug abuse in bodybuilding
Virve Marionneau & Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos:Individuals with a migratory background can offer valuable insight to improve the treatment and prevention of gambling harms.