Hakusana: Deafblindness


10 kesä 2024

How persons with deafblindness experience art and music through touch – new honorary doctor

How do you experience art and music when one or two senses are lost? For individuals with deafblindness, their experience relies on the rema [...]


4 kesä 2024

Holistic video analysis gives deeper insights into the communication of persons with deafblindness

New holistic approach helps create better understanding of communicative abilities and potentials in persons with deafblindness. “Everyon [...]


10 huhti 2024

New publication about living with CHARGE syndrome

Our new publication Re-CHARGE – Voices about living with CHARGE syndrome, presents a series of case studies and interviews. One of the fea [...]


8 touko 2023

Parents crucial when children with deafblindness develop language

"Every time I went to a course aimed at professionals working with deafblindness I thought 'But this is what parents need to learn!'", says [...]


7 helmi 2023

Remote therapy a solution during Covid-19 for people with deafblindness

Even in normal situations, people with deafblindness constitute a vulnerable group that experience a lot of isolation – and the pandemic h [...]


6 huhti 2022

Technology paired with human rights leads to the future

”Send an email or order a preset list of groceries with just the click of a button or custom make physical aids with a 3D-printer.” A b [...]

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