Unga in i Norden – psykisk hälsa, arbete, utbildning
Vad behöver beslutsfattare i de nordiska länderna investera i för att förbättra välfärden för Nordens unga? I projektet Unga in i Norden har vi tagit fram förslag på vad samhället behöver förändra och presenterar verksamheter och projekt som visat sig skapa förutsättningar för unga att ta ett steg in i samhället genom antingen studier eller arbete.
Vi har aldrig haft så utbildade och kompetenta unga i Norden som vi har i dag. Samtidigt har vi alltfler unga som uppger att de lider av psykisk ohälsa, samt unga som på grund av olika faktorer riskerar att hamna i sårbara situationer.
I alla nordiska länder behövs det generella ungdomspolitiska investeringar i kultur-, fritid-, utbildning- och hälsosektorn. Det behövs även särskilda satsningar för individer och grupper som riskerar utanförskap eller psykisk ohälsa.
Rekommendationer till politiker
Projektet har resulterat i fyra konkreta rekommendationer till de nordiska politikerna. Rekommendationerna finns sammanställda på samtliga nordiska språk och går att beställa eller ladda ner.
13 tammi 2017
Suosituksia: Nuoret Pohjolassa – psyykkinen terveys, työ, koulutus
Mihin päätöstentekijöiden on investoitava Pohjoismaissa pohjoismaalaisten nuorten hyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi? [...]
23 syys 2015
Vi arbetar med unga i Norden
This is an overview of the most important ministries, government agencies, research and civil society organisations whose activiti [...]
8 maalis 2016
In Focus – Mental Health among Young People
The growing level of mental ill health among young people is one of the greatest challenges facing public health in our Nordic soc [...]
19 touko 2015
Skolelevers psykiska hälsa
Nordens välfärdscenters projekt Unga in i Norden - psykisk hälsa, arbete, utbildning sätter fokus på unga nordbor mellan 16 o [...]
30 syys 2015
Unga vuxna med nedsatt arbetsförmåga – en beskrivning av trygghetssystemen
Andelen unga som beviljas förtidspension under lång tid har ökat, särskilt de med en psykisk diagnos eller unga med lindrig ps [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Denmark
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Finland
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Norway
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Sweden
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Faroe Islands
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Greenland
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Iceland
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
12 tammi 2017
Mental health among youth in Åland
All children and young people are a huge resource. We have never had such well-educated and competent youngsters in the Nordic cou [...]
18 elo 2016
When someone has to take charge
The theme of the study is young people in vulnerable situations in terms of education, work, participation and mental ill-health. [...]
18 huhti 2016
Creating participation for youth with mental health problems
This report is an investigation of how different Nordic welfare services in Denmark and Sweden in cooperation across sectors creat [...]
18 kesä 2016
Relationship between young people and welfare services
This report is the result of a collaboration between the Finnish Youth Research Society (FYRS) and the Nordic Centre for Welfare a [...]