Verkkoseminaari: Segregation, Covid-19 and living conditions – myths meet research
Maahanmuuttajien integraatio
Why has the pandemic hit immigrant groups the hardest? The media picture and the political argumentation in for example Denmark, claim that the spread of infection and excess mortality in vulnerable housing areas is due to a lack of language skills and cultural differences between immigrant groups and the majority population. This argumentation lacks support in recent research.
A new report from the Nordic Council of Ministers points to several underlying factors that together have caused the high level of infection and mortality in areas with a large proportion of foreign-born. Rather than language difficulties and cultural background, structural factors and inequality have come into play. These factors make it difficult and, in some cases, impossible for residents to follow the guidelines. For example, the recommendations to “isolate yourself and stay at home if you are ill” and “work from home” are hard to follow if you work in the gig economy or the healthcare, transport, and service sector.
During the webinar, researchers from Nordregio will present their findings. Representatives from segregated areas in the Nordic countries will comment on the report and share their experiences of the pandemic. Followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session with representatives from Nordic authorities responsible for counteracting housing segregation. What lessons can be learned for coming pandemics and for a more inclusive future? Join the discussion on Zoom!
13.00 Welcome
Åsa Ström Hildestrand and Helena Lagercrantz, Nordregio
13.05 Introduction to the Nordic co-operation on integration
Kristin Marklund, The Nordic Welfare Centre
13.10 About the report – conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations
Hjördís Rut Sigurjónsdóttir and Sandra Oliveira e Costa, Nordregio
13.30 Panel discussion – What do the residents think, is the picture in the report correct? Can civil society improve pandemic management and reduce exclusion? What measures are required at national level?
Helena Hede and Fardosa Omar, Folkets Hus Rinkeby, Sweden
Mai-Britt Haugaard Jeppesen, Bydelsmødre, Denmark
Mariama Dafae, Drammen sanitetsforening, Norway
14.00 Panel discussion – What conclusions can be drawn by the authorities in the face of future crises? What measures are planned to reduce exclusion and increase equality? What are the biggest obstacles?
Anders Kessling, Swedish Agency against Segregation, Sweden
Jaana Nevalainen, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Thor Indseth, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
14.30 Summary and conclusions