Hakusana: Kuurosokeutuminen aikuisena


5 joulu 2024

Digital inclusion for persons with deafblindness – a human right   

At a time when technology is advancing fast, it is more important than ever to ensure that no one is left behind. Our recent webinar Usher S [...]


25 marras 2024

New update of landmark definition on deafblindness

The Nordic Leadership Forum on Deafblindness has released an updated comprehensive definition of deafblindness now available in six language [...]


19 marras 2024

Nordic networks collaborating on a holistic approach to deafblindness

A storyteller with humour, developed cognition, bright understanding of others and purposeful strategies. Those were some of the findings th [...]


1 helmi 2023

Tactile transition – experiences shared by persons with acquired deafblindness

What is it like being diagnosed with a combined seeing and hearing impairment and gradually losing one or both of those senses? Is it just a [...]


6 huhti 2022

Technology paired with human rights leads to the future

”Send an email or order a preset list of groceries with just the click of a button or custom make physical aids with a 3D-printer.” A b [...]

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