How to strengthen the focus on children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to help them lead a good life?
Kansanterveys, Lapset & nuoret
9 syys 2022
The primary focus of this report is the post-pregnancy period and the support and follow-up for children born with prenatal alcohol exposure, and their families.
In this report, the Nordic Welfare Centre provides recommendations to the Nordic countries on how to prioritise and strengthen the focus on children and their families affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to ensure them the best framework for a good life.
More knowledge is needed about prenatal alcohol dependence and its consequences (FASD) in health care and among health professionals. With the right knowledge and skills, health professionals are better able to identify women who use alcohol during pregnancy, and they can better identify a child who may be at risk of FASD. As prenatal exposure to alcohol has lifelong consequences, we also highlight the need for and importance of individual support and follow-up for affected children, and their families. In addition to having a health-promoting effect on the target group, the recommendations can also benefit society and the economy at large.
Alcohol use during pregnancy and FASD are significant public health issues warranting more attention and action. With this report we emphasise the need to raise awareness of alcohol use during pregnancy and of FASD, prioritise screening and the diagnosing of FASD, as well as the prevention of FASD in societies.
How to strengthen the focus on children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to help them lead a good life? A Nordic report with recommendations
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