3 joulu 2024
NAD – Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Lue viimeisin numero tieteellisestä lehdestämme: NAD - Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs [...]
Raportti -
4 tammi 2023
Alcohol and drug prevention in the Nordic countries – A conference report
In a world where drug use is on the rise and new variants are frequently discovered and produced, the need for effective preventio [...]
Raportti -
9 syys 2022
How to strengthen the focus on children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to help them lead a good life?
The primary focus of this report is the post-pregnancy period and the support and follow-up for children born with prenatal alcoho [...]
Raportti -
23 huhti 2020
Identifying use of alcohol and other substances during pregnancy – A Nordic overview
This report gives an overview of the use of alcohol, tobacco and other substances among pregnant women in the Nordic countries and [...]
Raportti -
7 maalis 2019
What’s New About Adolescent Drinking in the Nordic Countries?
In all Nordic countries, minors are drinking less than before. Parents and the increased supervision of leisure time may be the ro [...]
Raportti -
7 huhti 2017
Perusteltua vai potaskaa? Päihteet ja tutkimus mediassa
Toimittajat ja tutkijat tarvitsevat toisiaan. Mutta vaikka kummankin ammattiryhmän tehtävä on välittää tietoa, menetelmät o [...]
Raportti -
8 syys 2016
Local Innovation in Substance Abuse Care
In all of the Nordic countries, the question has been asked how substance abuse treatment and healthcare resources can be better o [...]