A matter of health and job satisfaction
Hyvinvointipolitiikka, Kansanterveys
25 maalis 2013
The report A matter of health and job satisfaction - Seniors, work and retirement in the Nordic region (Summary), compares and analyses the situation of seniors on the labour market in the Nordic countries as well as pension and social insurance systems.
In all the Nordic countries there is a declared policy of increasing work participation among seniors. The most important reason comes from a more long-term population, generation and welfare perspective: gradually, as more and more older people live longer, it is becoming increasingly expensive for younger age groups to finance and maintain relatively generous welfare schemes.
The report a matter of health and job satisfaction compares and analyses the situation of seniors on the labour market in the Nordic countries as well as pension and social insurance systems. Seven in ten seniors aged 50-64 are in work, while three in ten have either retired early or are on the way out of working life. Impaired health and capacity for work represent the most important “exit route”, followed by voluntary, flexible pensions, unemployment and working environment. Other causes include formal and informal barriers and age discrimination.
People are different, seniors not least. Health, duties and working environment are crucial to more seniors being able and wanting to work for longer, in addition to which they want to be seen, made use of and appreciated!
A matter of health and job satisfaction
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