Webinaari: Involving refugees and migrants in integration activities
Maahanmuuttajien integraatio
Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic Welfare Centre warmly invite you to join us for a Nordic webinar on Thursday 27 April 2023 at 12-13:15 (CET).
The following things, among others, will be discussed during the webinar:
- Why is it important to involve refugees and migrants in integration activities?
- What are the challenges and gaps for actively involving the target group?
- How can civil society actors better involve refugees and migrants in developing activities to improve integration and inclusion?
- How can the public authorities in the Nordic countries ensure that important communication reaches population groups with migrant backgrounds?
The Red Cross and Rambøll will present findings from two recent Nordic projects during the webinar. The results and experiences will be discussed with representatives from the Nordic Migrant Expert Forum.
Mads T. Vestergaard, Red Cross, Denmark
Nina Helgadóttir, Red Cross Iceland
Michelle Hørlück, Rambøll, Denmark
Ruth Montgomery-Andersen, Nordic Migrant Expert Forum, Greenland
Asim Latif, Foundation for Social Responsability, Nordic Migrant Expert Forum, Denmark
Karolis Žibas, UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries
Moderator: Kaisa Kepsu, Nordic Welfare Centre, Finland
The webinar is mainly targeted at officials from national governments and regional and local authorities as well as civil society organisations who are looking for inspiration and concrete methods for developing and implementing active involvement.
The webinar will be held in English. Live speech-to.text interpretation (subtitles) to English will be privided.