Nordisk workshop: Vem bestämmer kunskapens relevans och giltighet?
What is the definition of useful, meaningful, and valuable knowledge? Who decides and influences this definition and what are the institutionalised processes by which policy relevance is maintained?
Objective: This small-scale 2-day workshop targets researchers interested in unfolding the relationship between science and policy-making in questions of public health and lifestyle regulation (concerning for example alcohol, drugs, and tobacco use; gambling; nutrition)
Deadline for registration: 30 April 2019.
The target group of the workshop are scholars with an interest in the relationship between knowledge production and policies in the fields of lifestyles and public health.
Idea paper submission: Participants are encouraged to submit idea papers of 1–3 pages. These are to introduce readers to a research topic and an approach that the participant wants to present at the workshop. Please submit your idea papers at registration by 30 April.
Event format: The workshop builds on idea paper presentations and discussions. The workshop aims at a future publication, most likely in the NAD journal, but other publication options are up for discussion.
Fee: The workshop is free of charge, but participants will cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. The arrangers will cover lunches and coffee on the 14th and 15th of May as well as a dinner on the 14th of May.
For travel support opportunity, pleae contact Erika Lehtonen for more information (erika.lehtonen@nordicwelfare.org)
Further information:
Nordic workshop 14-15 May 2019: Who decides the relevance and validity of knowledge?