Webinaari: The effects of the corona pandemic on alcohol consumption, smoking and drug treatment services
Welcome to the Nordic Welfare Centre’s webinar on the effects of the corona pandemic related to alcohol, tobacco and drug use on 2 June at 13.00 EEST and 12.00 CEST.
The outbreak of the coronavirus has had a huge impact on our everyday lives, with lockdown of societies, quarantine at home, and social distancing. It has affected our daily routines and made changes to our normal habits, but what effects has it had on our public health when it comes to alcohol consumption, smoking and other substance use?
The aim of this webinar is to highlight how the coronavirus has affected and impacted our drinking, smoking, and drug use and what consequences the lockdown of societies has had on these public health issues.
The webinar will be based on current research and practical experiences in this situation that is constantly changing.
Moderator: Nina Rehn-Mendoza, former Deputy Director, Director of Public Health at the Nordic Welfare Centre.
Effects of the coronavirus and lockdown of society for alcohol consumption in Finland
How does the coronavirus and lockdown of society influence alcohol consumption in Finland? Thomas Karlsson, Chief Specialist, Vice Head of The Alcohol, Drugs and Addictions Unit, Department of Public Health Solutions, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) will present about the effects of the coronavirus and lockdown of society for alcohol consumption in Finland – Thomas Karlsson will also draw parallels to the other Nordic countries.
What are myths and what are facts when it comes to smoking and COVID-19? Charlotta Pisinger, Professor in tobacco control, Center for Clinical research and Prevention and associated with University of Copenhagen and Danish Heart Foundation, Denmark, will talk about the current myths and facts related to smoking as a risk factor for COVID-19.
How does the corona pandemic affect addiction treatment? Simon Lindguss, head of the unit for opioid maintenance treatment at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, will explain how the pandemic affects people in addiction treatment and how the unit has adjusted their services to tackle the situation. Reception facilities outside, home visits and introduction of welfare technology has been crucial during the pandemic.