
Nordic co-operation envisages a Nordic region that will be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world in 2030. To achieve the vision three strategic key pillars are prioritised: a green Nordic region, a competitive Nordic region, and a socially sustainable Nordic region. In the action plan for Vision 2030, which runs from 2021 to 2024, twelve objectives have been linked to the three strategic key pillars. Objective number nine states that the Nordic Council of Ministers will contribute to a good, equal, and secure health and welfare for all (Nordic Co-operation, n.d.; Nordic Council of Ministers, 2020). In achieving this goal, health literacy can be an important measure to focus on.
Many determinants help to define our health. One of these is health literacy, which also serves as a mediating and moderating factor of health. All in all, health literacy is an important concept to consider in matters of health and, in particular, the health of all people. 
With this report, the Nordic Welfare Centre wishes to introduce the concept of health literacy, its trajectory over time, and how the concept fits into the health structure today. The report will also view health literacy in relation to the field of integration, where health literacy can have a significant role. In addition, country profiles for each Nordic country will provide insights into health literacy at a structural level in the five countries as well as examples of projects/initiatives that focus on health literacy among migrants and refugees. International reports and research material have been used in the preparation of this report, but the report itself should not be considered research.
An informal Nordic network on health literacy has also been established among the Nordic health authorities in connection with the preparation of this report. The Nordic Welfare Centre would like to thank the members of the network for their cooperation and for reviewing the texts in the country profiles. Special thanks go to co-author of the report, Josefin Wångdahl (Researcher, PhD, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University), and to Kristine Sørensen (Global Health Literacy Academy) for professional sparring and final review of the report. 
This report is made in collaboration with the programme Nordic co-operation on integration and inclusion.
Eva Franzén                                               Nadja Frederiksen
Director                                                   Senior Adviser