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About the publication

Dementia prevention in the Nordics

Published by 
Nordic Welfare Centre 
© September 2024 
Author: Grete Kjelvik, The Norwegian National Centre for Ageing and Health
Project manager: Pia Nevala Westman
Publisher: Nordic Welfare Centre 
Editors: Pia Nevala Westman, Mikaela Lindeman, Helena Lohmann and Jenni von Frenckell

Photos: Most Photos

Layout: ETC Kommunikation
ISBN: 978-91-89787-11-7
DOI: 10.52746/YOLN7568
Nordic Welfare Centre
Box 1073, SE-101 39 Stockholm
Visiting address: Svensksundsvägen 11A
Telephone: +46 8 545 536 00
Nordic Welfare Centre
c/o Folkhälsan
Topeliuksenkatu 20
FI-00250 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 20 741 08 80