“The agenda setters could have done more for the wellbeing of young people.”
Ester, who is from Denmark, attended her ninth year of primary school when Denmark enforced the first school lockdowns. The second time Esther experienced a period of lockdown she had begun her first year in upper secondary school. She felt isolated and lonely during the pandemic shutdowns. She believes that socialising with peers is crucial in the formative years of youth. According to Ester, isolation makes you forget how to be around others and interact and she believes that the decision-makers should have done more to safeguard the welfare of youth.
Life as a young person was very atypical during the pandemic years. The school council was suspended and all activities except online education were halted. Ester and her peers did not really feel that they were part of school. The teachers were instructed to talk with the students about their wellbeing every other week, but they had no way of influencing or making any difference for the students.