Rapport -
Barn & unga
15 sep 2023
Children and Young People’s Participation During the Corona Pandemic – Nordic Initiatives
What measures and strategies for ensuring the participation and influence of children and young people were used in the Nordic cou [...]
Rapport -
Barn & unga
15 sep 2023
Restricted Childhood, Interrupted Youth
How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact the lives of youth in the Nordic region? In this in-depth report, we dive into the pandemic's [...]
Rapport -
14 apr 2021
School achievement and health development in the Nordic countries
Education plays a particularly important role in explaining health outcomes in the Nordic countries. Our report aims to highlight [...]
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7 maj 2019
Education Policy for Health Equality – Lessons for the Nordic Region
In the Nordic countries, health is linked to educational attainment to a higher extent than to income. Studies have now shown that [...]
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4 mar 2019
Adolescent Health in the Nordic Region – Health promotion in school settings
Positive health can be boosted among school students. In many parts of the Nordic region schools are implementing health promotion [...]
Rapport -
1 dec 2017
Skolan en grund för lyckad inkludering – Nyanlända barn och unga i Norden
Den viktigaste arenan för inkludering och integration av nyanlända barn och unga är skolan. [...]
Rapport -
19 maj 2015
Skolelevers psykiska hälsa
Nordens välfärdscenters projekt Unga in i Norden - psykisk hälsa, arbete, utbildning sätter fokus på unga nordbor mellan 16 o [...]
Rapport -
17 dec 2013
Fokus på barnfattigdom
FN:s Barnkonvention firar snart 25-års jubileum. Enligt Barnkonvention har alla barn rätt till en skälig levnadsstandard oavset [...]
Rapport -
23 dec 2011
Inspiration för inkludering
Alt for mange unge faller ut av skolen og får problemer med å etablere seg på arbeidsmarkedet. Forskning viser at konsekvensene [...]