
Publications from the network members.


Implementation of welfare technology: a systematic review of barriers and facilitators. Disability & Rehabilitation. Assistive technology (2021) Zander V, Gustafsson C, Landerdahl Stridsberg S, Borg J.

Integrating Welfare Technology in Long-term Care Services: Nationwide Cross-sectional Survey Study . Journal of Medical Internet Research (2021). Rostad H M, Stokke S

Towards ethical and sustainable technology-supported ageing at home in Finland – KATI programme. Conference of Technology Ethics (2021), Anttila, H., Niemelä, M., Anttila, M., Pekkarinen, S., Hallamaa, J. & Koskinen, J.


A critical occupational perspective on user engagement of older adults in an assisted living facility in technology research over three years. Journal of Occupational Science (2020). Holthe T, Halvorsrud L, Lund A.

Community Health Care Workers’ Experiences on Enacting Policy on Technology with Citizens with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (2020). Holthe T, Halvorsrud L, Thorstensen E, Karterud D, Laliberte Rudman D, Lund A.

Impacts of robot implementation on care personnel and clients in elderly-care institutions. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 134. (2020). Melkas, H., Hennala, L., Pekkarinen, S. & Kyrki, V. h

@GEING Online: Digitala tjänster för meningsfulla sociala aktiviteter bland Botniaregionens äldre. Rekommendationer baserade på innovationsprojektets verksamhet och resultat. (2020) Forsman, AK, Nordmyr, J. & Laitila, S.

Can robots tackle late-life loneliness? Scanning of future opportunities and challenges in assisted living facilities. Futures, 124. (2020) Pirhonen, J., Tiilikainen, E., Pekkarinen, S., Lemivaara, M. & Melkas, H.

Implementation of eHealth Technology in Community Health Care: The Complexity of Stakeholder Involvement. BMC Health Services Research, 20(395), 1-13. (2020) Nilsen, E.R., Stendal, K., and Gullslett, M.K.

Methods to assess older persons needs of welfare technology. A survey among welfare technology providers. Gerontechnology, 19(0), 1-1. (2020). Zander. V.

Virtual Reality in the Care of People with Dementia: A Single-Case Research Study. Journal of Patient Care and Services – 1(1):4-31. (2020). Gusdal, A., & Gustafsson, C.

Assistive robots in care: Expectations and perceptions of older people. Aging between Participation and Simulation (2020)

In J. Haltaufderheide, J Hovemann and J Vollmann: Aging between Participation and Simulation. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. (2020) Hoppe, J., Johansson-Pajala, R-M., Gustafsson, C., Melkas, H., Tuisku, O., Pekkarinen, S., Hennala, L. and Thommes K.

Views of Swedish Elder Care Personnel on Ongoing Digital Transformation: Cross-Sectional Study. J Med Internet Res. 16;22(6):e15450. (2020). Baudin K, Gustafsson C, Frennert S.

A Single-case Experimental Design Study of Rocking Chair Therapy in the Care of Persons with Dementia. OBM Geriatrics 4(2). (2020). Gusdal, A & Gustafsson, C.

The Policies of Provision of Assistive and Welfare Technology—A Literature Review. Societies 2, 10, 22. (2020) Baudin, K.; Mullersdorf, M.; Sundstrom, A.; Gustafsson, C.

Embedding care robots into society and practice: Socio-technical considerations. Future. 122. 102593 (2020) Pekkarinen, S., Hennala, L., Tuisku, O., Gustafsson, C., Johansson-Pajala, R-M,. Thommes, K., Hoppe, JA. and Melkas, H

Care Robot Orientation – What, Who and How? -Potential users’ perceptions. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1(). 10.1007/s12369-020-00619-y (2020) Johansson-Pajala, R-M., Thommes, K., Hoppe, JA., Tuisku, O., Hennala, L., Pekkarinen, S., Melkas, H. and Gustafsson, C.

A Tablet App Supporting Self-Management for People With Dementia: Explorative Study of Adoption and Use Patterns. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(1), e14694. (2020). Øksnebjerg, L., Woods, B., Ruth, K., Lauridsen, A., Kristiansen, S., Holst, H. D., & Waldemar, G.


Assistive technology designed to support self-management of people with dementia: user involvement, dissemination, and adoption. A scoping review. International psychogeriatrics, 1-17. (2019). Øksnebjerg, L., Janbek, J., Woods, B., & Waldemar, G.

Assisted Living Denmark – a dementia friendly society. Health Care Denmark (2019) 

Could robots strengthen the sense of autonomy of older people residing in assisted living facilities? — A future-oriented study. Ethics and Information Technology. (2019). Pirhonen, J., Melkas, H., Laitinen, A. & Pekkarinen, S.

Caring by Telecare? A Hermeneutic Study of Experiences among Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN: 0962-1067. doi:10.1111/jocn.14744. (2019). Karlsen, Cecilie; Moe, Carl Erik; Haraldstad, Kristin; Thygesen, Elin

Challenges of mainstreaming telecare. Exploring actualization of telecare affordances in home care services. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. ISSN: 0905-0167. 31 (1). s 31 – 66. (2019). Karlsen, Cecilie; Haraldstad, Kristin; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin

Assistance robots in care: Contemporary orientation of older people towards robotic assistance. Conference proceeding accepted for publication for the conference. (2019) Gustafsson, C., Hoppe, JA., Johansson-Pajala, R-M.,Melkas, H., Tuisku, O., Hennala, L., Pekkarinen, S and Thommes,

Improved Knowledge Changes the Mindset: Older Adults’ Perceptions of Care Robots. In: Zhou J., Salvendy G. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for the Elderly and Technology Acceptance. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11592. (2019) Springer, Cham Johansson-Pajala RM. Thommes, K. Hoppe JA., Tuisku, O., Hennala, L., Pekkarinen, S., Melkas, H., & Gustafsson, C

Methods to evaluate perspectives of safety, independence, activity, and participation in older persons using welfare technology. A systematic review, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, published on-line 2019-02-19. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1574919 (2019) V. Zander, R.-M. Johansson-Pajala & C. Gustafsson


The assisted living project: a process evaluation of implementation of sensor technology in community assisted living. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology (2018). Holthe T, Dias Casagrande F, Halvorsrud L, Lund A.

En kvalitativ studie: Muligheter med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser. Fysioterapeuten 09/2018 (2018) Knarvik U og Trondsen M


Usability and acceptability of technology for community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic literature review. Clinical Interventions in Aging (2017). Holthe T, Halvorsrud L, Karterud D,  Hoel KA, Lund A.

Experiences of community-dwelling older adults with the use of telecare in home care services: A qualitative systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 15(12), 2913–2980. doi:10.11124/jbisrir-2017-003345 (2017). Karlsen, C., Ludvigsen, M. S., Moe, C. E., Haraldstad, K., & Thygesen, E.

eHomecare and safety: An interview study with older adults and relatives. Geriatric Nursing. 39(2), pp.178-185 (2017) Åkerlind, C., Martin, L. & Gustafsson, C.

Care managers’ perceptions of eHomecare: a qualitative interview study, European Journal of Social Work. (2017) Åkerlind, C., Martin, L. & Gustafsson, C 10.1080/13691457.2017.1366893

Experiences of using Bestic, an eating aid for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability. 21(1), p.87-98. (2017) Munir, D., Svanelöv, E. & Gustafsson, C.


Exploring resistance to implementation of welfare technology in municipal healthcare services – a longitudinal case study. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 657. (2016). Nilsen, E. R., Dugstad, J., Eide, H., Gullslett, M. K., & Eide, T.

A robotic cat in dementia care. Gerontechnology The one-page paper collection of the 10th World Conference of Gerontechnology. 15 supplement, s151 (2016) Gustafsson, C., Svanberg, C. & Müllersdorf, M. h


Utveckling och implementering av välfärdsteknologi inom demensvård. Palliativ Omsorg.4(32) 26-30. (2015). Gustafsson, C.

Using a robotic cat in dementia care -a pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 41(10). 46-56. (2015) Gustafsson, C., Svanberg, C. & Müllersdorf, M.


Tracing the successful incorporation of assistive technology into everyday life for younger people with dementia and family carers. Dementia (2014). Arntzen C, Torhild Holthe T, Jentoft R.

The use of assistive technology in the everyday lives of young people living with dementia and their caregivers. Can a simple remote control make a difference? International Psychogeriatrics (2014). Jentoft R, Holthe T, Arntzen C.


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