Nøkkelord: Barn

Rapport -

Barn & unge

26 okt 2023

Nordic youth voices – The pandemic and the right to be heard

Being heard and involved in all matters that concern them is important for children and youth. In this collection of filmed interv [...]

Rapport -

Barn & unge

15 sep 2023

Children and Young People’s Participation During the Corona Pandemic – Nordic Initiatives

What measures and strategies for ensuring the participation and influence of children and young people were used in the Nordic cou [...]

Rapport -

Barn & unge

15 sep 2023

Restricted Childhood, Interrupted Youth

How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact the lives of youth in the Nordic region? In this in-depth report, we dive into the pandemic's [...]

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Barn & unge

21 mar 2023

Child and youth participation during crisis – Recommendations for decision makers in the Nordic region

Every young person is entitled to be heard and involved in matters that concern them. But how can decision makers safeguard meanin [...]

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9 sep 2022

How to strengthen the focus on children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to help them lead a good life?

The primary focus of this report is the post-pregnancy period and the support and follow-up for children born with prenatal alcoho [...]

Rapport -


15 jun 2021

Barnehage, en arena for barn og foreldres integrering i Norden: Børnehave – Päiväkoti – Leikskóli – Barnehage – Förskola

Formålet med denne rapporten har vært å se på hvordan de nordiske landene jobber for å øke graden av deltakelse for barn med [...]

Rapport -


14 apr 2021

School achievement and health development in the Nordic countries

Education plays a particularly important role in explaining health outcomes in the Nordic countries. Our report aims to highlight [...]

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4 feb 2021

Se, lytte og inkludere – Deltakelse for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser i Norden

Denne rapporten handler om den universelle retten alle barn og unge har til å delta, å si sin mening og bli hørt i alle saker s [...]

Rapport -


22 jun 2020

Inga barn eller unga ska lämnas utanför

Visionen för det nordiska samarbetet är att bli världens mest integrerade och hållbara region 2030. För att lyckas med det ä [...]

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4 feb 2020

Tidiga insatser för nyanlända barn, unga och föräldrar i Norden – evidens och lovande arbetssätt

I rapporten beskrivs och analyseras insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i d [...]

Rapport -


7 mai 2019

Summary: Education Policy for Health Equality – Lessons for the Nordic Region

The report Education Policy for Health Equality: Lessons for the Nordic Region (2019), analyses how education policy is likely to [...]

Rapport -


7 mai 2019

Education Policy for Health Equality – Lessons for the Nordic Region

In the Nordic countries, health is linked to educational attainment to a higher extent than to income. Studies have now shown that [...]

Rapport -


11 des 2012

Nordens barn – Tidlig innsats overfor barn og familier

Rapporten presenterer prosjektresultatene fra de to fokusområdene Aktuell forskning om risiko- og beskyttelsesfaktorer og Lovend [...]

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