Know your rights – knowledge is power
Honour Based Violence
An information and advisory initiative for women of foreign origin living in Iceland.
Theory and knowledge
Sadly, research is lacking so we use our own experience and knowledge as legal advisor to immigrants. We see that many women of immigrant origin, living in abusive relationships, are being isolated from society, misled and fed with wrongful information. They do not know their rights and have little insight into Icelandic society and what resources are open to them. This project was therefore designed to reach those women, through various channels, such as the Women’s Shelter, help organisations, organisations of foreign women, libraries, places for religious practice etc.
Target group
The target group is women of foreign origin, regardless of whether they speak Icelandic or not, interpretation is provided if necessary. The aim is to empower all women of foreign origin in need of empowerment, with special emphasis however on isolated women or women at risk of exploitation.
Expected results
The expected result is that by informing migrant/immigrant women in abusive relationships their status will be improved by gaining better insight into Icelandic society and legal system as well as where to turn to for help.
Description of activity
We contact organisations, libraries, the Church Aid, places for religious practice, the Red Cross, WOMEN I Iceland, the Women’s Shelter and others where we might come across migrant/immigrant women, especially those in difficult circumstances. We start by visits, building up trust, let women know that they can ask any and all questions regarding their legal rights and obligations. We also encourage them to let other women know that this informal education is open to them. We disseminate and use the pamphlet “Your rights”, issued by the Directorate of Equality (available in English, Polish, French, Spanish, Arabic, Thai, Russian and Icelandic). We give one-on-one consultations as well as group presentations and group talks. The programme is not only for the Metropolitan area but also other parts of Iceland. Interpretation is provided if necessary
The project is designed for being carried out by lawyers with knowledge of Immigrant issues as well as legislation on Immigration, penal law, family law, labour market law etc.
Performer assessments
Mostly through registration of visits and information sessions. A report will also be sent to the Ministry of Social Affairs, that financed the project, upon conclusion.
Participant's view
Results are mostly expected to be seen through more women seeking help and less opportunity for exploitation through deception or use of power.
No evaluation has been made of the initiatives’ socio-economic outcome but the effort is expected to pay off in the slightly longer term since more women will be able to uphold their rights and avoid exploitation. The costs in implementing this initiative are mainly in providing interpretation.
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