Hakusana: Yksin saapuneet nuoret

Raportti -

Maahanmuuttajien integraatio

1 huhti 2020

Mental health and well-being of unaccompanied minors: A Nordic overview

Research and evaluation of specific interventions to support mental health among unaccompanied minors is sorely needed, according [...]

Raportti -

Maahanmuuttajien integraatio

10 touko 2017

Greeting to the Nordic politicians and unaccompanied minors

In this booklet you will find information about society's reception of unaccompanied refugee children in the Nordic region, as wel [...]

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Maahanmuuttajien integraatio

1 helmi 2017

Samhällets mottagande av ensamkommande i Norden

RÄTTELSE: Siffrorna i Tabell 1 på sidan 9 behöver förtydligas eftersom tabellen felaktigt kan läsas som att det 2015 i värld [...]

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