Nøgleord: Gambling


21 jan 2021

First call for abstracts: Nordic Alcohol and Drug Researchers’ Assembly 2021

The Nordic Alcohol and Drug Researchers’ Assembly (NADRA) will take place at Hanaholmen, Espoo, in Finland 8 – 10 September 2021. First [...]


29 jan 2020

First call for abstracts for NADRA 2020

This year the Nordic Alcohol and Drug Researchers’ Assembly (NADRA) focuses on marginalization and complex problems as challenges for Nord [...]


18 dec 2019

Tidskriften Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs och Helsingfors universitet inleder samarbete

Från och med första januari 2020 inleder Nordens välfärdscenters vetenskapliga tidskrift Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) ett s [...]


18 dec 2017

End is in sight for Sweden’s gambling monopoly

Sweden plans to open up parts of the gambling market to competition by introducing a licensing system. Researchers remain sceptical about wh [...]

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